Join Syracuse Jewish Family Service and Say “YES!” to Aging!

You might say SJFS, founded in 1891, is a grandmother among CNY community institutions. Few have been around as long as we have, building on our strengths and developing new ways to adapt to the future. And as our community’s Family Service we are here, as we’ve always been, for individual, family, and community needs—whether at a family home, the Hebrew Day School, Menorah Park, a house of worship, or elsewhere.

Along the way we’ve learned a thing or two specifically about aging well. We’ve learned  that aging is not simply a personal issue or one that begins in later life. And we all need help facing the inevitable challenges—whether along the path of our own aging journey or that of a loved one. How do we build resilience throughout the life span, affirm the goodness of aging, and provide the support that we will all eventually need?

By saying “YES!” together. Help SJFS start the new year—and our unique journeys of aging—with honey! Inspired by Jewish values of family, community, diversity, respect and autonomy, you can help us to strengthen all generations to enjoy the blessings of aging.

Because saying “yes!” to aging is saying “yes!” to life

SJFS offers a variety of services and programs that empower and motivate our collective “yes!” to aging. We are the only agency in the community offering several specialized programs, including:

** Arts and Minds: our niche initiative that promotes creative self-expression, well-being, and social engagement by incorporating arts-based programming into elder care (for those with and without dementia)
**Mind AerobicsTM: a suite of programs to work on brain health from typical cognition to dementia
**Opening Minds Through Art (OMA): read about this unique program here
**Activity Companions: providing in-home respite and enrichment through meaningful activities
**The Magen Center: an emergency shelter for older adults in CNY experiencing abuse or neglect
**M-Power U: a learning community for early memory loss
**PEARLS: a home-based program for older adults suffering from depression

SJFS also makes many services accessible to older adults and others through in-home and community-based delivery and sliding fee scales including care management, counseling, Kosher Meals on Wheels, and more. Visit for more information about all of SJFS’s programs and services to all ages and stages.


Say “YES!” to Aging Campaign

We’re asking you for your financial support, we’re inviting you to take advantage of our services, and we’re offering you a chance to come say “yes!” together with us.  Please follow this link to donate or register!

Join Syracuse Jewish Family Service on November 12 for OMA-Thon! (click here for more info!)




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