Update: December 8

Menorah Park COVID-19 Status – Updated December 8, 2020 Status
JH ResidentsONSITEtesting positive for COVID-19 and moved to dedicated COVID unit 1
JH Residents tested positive for COVID-19 and transferred to outside facilities 0
JH ResidentsONSITE RECOVEREDand transferred off of the dedicated COVID-19 unit 1
Number of nursing units impacted * 2
JH ResidentsONSITE under investigation for COVID-19 symptoms 0
Resident deaths on dedicated COVID unit after testing positive 1
JH staff members ONSITEtesting positive for COVID-19 0
Staff members positive for COVID-19, SELF-QUARANTINED 8
Total # of resident positive COVID 19 cases (as of November 20) 3
Total # of staff positive COVID-19 cases ( as of November 8) 12

* 2nd floor, The Terrace

At this time Menorah Park has no other confirmed cases of COVID-19 on our campus which includes the Jewish Home, the Inn, and the Oaks.


COVID Vaccination Status: Phase 1: Nursing Home Residents Given First Priority
Today we began preparing for the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to all nursing home (1st & 2nd floor and Terrace) residents and healthcare workers as soon as it is available. Health Direct Services, our pharmacy, will be coming to our facility and administering the vaccine to our residents and staff. The vaccine must be administered twice, 21 – 28 days apart. The earliest we will begin vaccinating is Monday, December 21. The vaccine is not mandated and requires consent. Our nurse managers have begun calling families who are responsible for residents’ healthcare decisions, to alert them that the vaccine is coming and to determine if they would consent for their loved one to receive the vaccine.

CDC Information regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine

Frequently Asked Questions

Facts about the COVID vaccine


Virtual Visits
SJFS will continue to work with families to assist with video chats or phone calls to the best of their ability. They can also help you to determine how best to make the most of the virtual visit ( i.e. coordinating with 2 or 3 family members for one call or having a 1:1 call with your loved one.) As Gillian Riggall, MSW is now serving as the social worker for Terrace residents, we have reassigned Terrace visits to her and have reassigned Gillian’s 2nd-floorresidents to Evelyn Kinsey, MSW Care Manager. Gillian can be reached at [email protected] and Evelyn can be reached at [email protected].

Ellen Somers, Asst. Director and Judith Huober, Director continue to work with their assigned residents. For new residents, or if you are unsure of your assigned SJFS staff person, please contact Ellen Somers at [email protected] or (315) 446-9111, ext. 225.

We have recently been having more difficulty with the connection for FaceTime. If you are able to use Zoom, please let your assigned person know so this can be set up as it seems to have a consistently good connection.


EXCEPTION: Family Visitation of Resident Who Is Actively Dying or Deceased
Our policy applies to any resident who has been designated by the Menorah Park medical staff as being in an actively dying stage.

  • 9 am-to 9 pm – 7 days a week for actively dying residents
  • Only 2 family members are permitted at one time so any additional family must wait outside (outdoors or in-car) for their turn.
  • All visitors must complete the screening process and have their temperature taken.
  • They DO NOT need to provide a negative COVID test result.
  • Once they enter the facility, following the screening, they are to go directly to the resident’s room and remain in the room until they leave the facility.
  • They are not permitted to be in shared spaces ( common areas, dining rooms or other residents’ rooms, etc.)
  • They are required to wear a mask over their nose and mouth at all times
  • Under 18 allowed accompanied by an adult over 18.

Dropping Items Off for Residents
Families are still welcome to drop off items for their loved ones at our main entrance.

Questions Regarding Resident Care
If you have questions regarding the care of your loved one or want a status update, please contact your nurse manager. If you do not hear back from nursing within 24-48 hours, please contact your assigned caseworker or call the front desk and ask them to connect you to the social work department.

The team is as follows:

  • Terrace
    Gillian Riggall, MSW (Starting November 30)
    Days: Monday, Thursday, and Fridays
    Phone: 315-446-9111, ext. 124*
    [email protected]

*This extension is being monitored by the social work team. If you have not received a response within 24-48 hours, please call the front desk and ask them to connect you with the social work. Department.

Posted Under: COVID-19